Where does my money go?
When you give, it helps us further what God is doing at United, in our amazing community and to the ends of the world. Your tithes and gifts go toward our different areas of ministry.
General Ministry Fund
This helps provide support for the day to day ministries of the Church such as our children's and teen ministries or benevolence to those in need.
The Missions Fund
This is used to help support our missionaries who are giving God's word in different areas of the world. In fact, we currently support 50 missionaries!
The Building Fund
Our building fund maintains our facilities. It also helps to support our transportation ministry which picks up those who could not get to church without our help.
Designated Gifts
We often take up special offerings for specific needs in our church and community. Any gift goes 100% to the ministry that is designated. One such offering is Christmas gifts for Haitian orphans.
select how you can give:

In Person
Simply bring your offering to a church service with you and place it in the offering plate. Tithe envelopes will be provided if you would like. Please make checks out to "United Baptist Church".
Thank you for your generosity.

Simply login and pay through Stripe to make a gift (one-time gift or recurring), review your online giving history or manage any recurring gifts you may have. If you do not have an account, it’s very easy to sign up for one. You are able to use a debit or credit card (2.9% fee), or a bank transfer ($0.25 center per transaction).

By Text
You can give by text through the same portal as our online giving. You can either sign up or give as a guest. You can give by simply sending a text message. You can log in to our online giving page, add your phone and credit card, then quickly text the provided number when you want to give. If you don't already have an account you can create one in seconds!

By Mail
Please make sure the check is made out to "United Baptist Church." You may send it to:
United Baptist Church
236 Middlebelt Rd
Garden City, MI 48135